An introduction to dream interpretation

An introduction to dream interpretation

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An introduction to dream interpretation
Javier Castillo Colomer

(Edición libro en papel)
ISBN:  978-84-941963-1-7
PVP: 16 € (con IVA incluido. Gastos de envío aparte)
Rústica con solapas, 182 págs e ilustraciones en b/n.

Translation: Matthew May


[Versión electrónica en formato ePub: descargar aquí]  PVP: 4,99 €

The long personal and professional experience of Dr. Javier Castillo allows him to finally come to the conclusion, in line with the Jungian idea, that dreams are a phenomenon of nature and must be understood as what they are. The contents that come from the unconscious neither want to hide, distort or fool us, but speak in its own language, the language of images. (Dr. Theodor Abt)

Another of the fundamental characteristics of this work is the description of the different interpretive frameworks that occur in the psychotherapeutic practice of dream analysis. The experience of Dr. Castillo in Freudian, Reichian and Jungian analysis allows the reader to have a deep insight into the various analytical maps, and he makes a clear, organized and systematic description of the different forms of interpretation, which will be helpful for anyone who wants to further deepen their knowledge of this subject. (Dr. Antonio Sanfeliu)


Dr. Javier Castillo Colomer Psychologist specialist in clinical psychology and psychotherapy of EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists). Jungian analyst. Director of IVaPPA (Valencian Institute of Psychology and Analytical Psychotherapy). Consultant Professor at VIU (Valencian International University) and Director of the Master’s degree “Psychology and Analytical Psychotherapy” organised by the VIU. Coordinator of diploma courses in Jungian Analytical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Department of Clinical Psychology and psychoanalysis at the Ateneo de Madrid. Advisor to the governing board of the Valencian College of Psychologists on the issues of Psychoanalysis and Analytical Psychology.

Author of the following books: Psicología analítica e integración (Nau LLibres, 2002), Los sueños en la vida, la enfermedad y la muerte (Biblioteca Nueva, 2005), El valor del sufrimiento (Desclée de Brouwer, 2007), De lo dionisiaco a lo demoniaco (Manuscritos, 2008), Razón y fuerza del mito (Fata Morgana, 2009) y Psicología profunda (Manuscritos, 2010). Co-editor of Cómo Psicoanalizamos (Manuscritos, 2008). He has also collaborated with different chapters in other books such as: Chamanismo el arte natural de curar (Temas de Hoy, 1999); La consciencia transpersonal (Kairós, 1998); Las psicoterapias breves y focales contemporáneas (Manuscritos, 2010); Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica. Nuevos caminos para el avance de un método (Amarú, 2011) y Psicoterapias Psicoanalíticas (Manuscritos, 2012).

Elena Negueroles (illustrations) Elena has a degree from the official School of journalism in Madrid (1969) and a teaching degree in drawing and painting from the Superior School of Fine Arts in Valencia (1983). She has had 18 individual exhibitions as well as participating in collective exhibitions in 28 different European and American cities. Elena was the B.M.W. Contest Gold Medal winner in 1992. She received the Medal of Honour at the Autumn Exhibition of Fine Arts in Madrid in 1995, and was a member of the Valencian Council of Culture from 2002-2012.



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Indroducción a la interpretación de los sueños Indroducción a la interpretación de los sueños
16,00 € *

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